The Western Nebraska APA Pool Leagues are owned and operated by Joe and Carmen Bond (photo left) with the League office based out of McCook, NE.
    The APA started in Western Nebraska in 1997 and serves a 20 county area, offering each area the opportunity to play locally in a well organized and professionally managed amateur 8-Ball and 9-Ball pool leagues.
   Players, age 18 or older, compete in a fun and exciting pool league format with family, friends and co-workers.  On top of the league night fun and excitement, players and teams have the opportunity to win cash, trophies, award patches and a trip to the $1.7 Million APA World Championships in Las Vegas that includes a generous travel allowance, paid entry fee and complimentary lodging at the Westgate Resort and Casino (or alternate), site of the APA World Championships.
Players also have the option of playing in one or more of our many tournaments held throughout the year.
    One reason the APA Pool Leagues are so popular is because of "The Equalizer", APA's copyrighted handicap and scoring system that allows all players and teams to compete nearly equally regardless of level of skill or experience.  With this unique system, the league offers a great experience for beginners and highly skilled players alike.  It also helps prevent the same teams from winning year after year.
    When it comes to amateur pool leagues, the APA is constantly setting the standard for others to follow and is widely known as "The Governing Body of Amateur Pool".  It's no wonder that the APA is the largest amateur pool league in the world with over a quarter million members.
    Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have.
    Click here for more information about the national history of the APA.
Best wishes,
Joe and Carmen Bond, APA League Operators
Western Nebraska APA Pool Leagues